Person Reading

London Jazz Society
Past Newsletters

As a benefit of membership the London Jazz Society Newsletter keeps you informed of all our upcoming events including out of town trips to fesivals in Toronto and Detroit as well as selected events that are of interest to our membership.

Person Reading

As a courtesy we have posted several past editions of our newsletter that you are welcome to view, and read if you wish. The newletter is authored by our President Al Burton who is a life long jazz music supporter. You will find the past newsletters by clicking on the dated links below and waiting for a few moments while the page loads. They are listed with the most recent newletters at the top. When you are finished just click the back button or the Jazz Society Home page link that is provided for your convenience at the bottom of each newsletter page.

May/June, 2004 LJS Newsletter

July, 2004 LJS Newsletter

August, 2004 LJS Newsletter

Sept/Oct, 2004 LJS Newsletter

Nov/Dec, 2004 LJS Newsletter

Jan/Feb, 2005 LJS Newsletter

Mar/Apr, 2005 LJS Newsletter

May/Jun, 2005 LJS Newsletter

July, 2005 LJS Newsletter

Sept/Oct, 2005 LJS Newsletter

Jan/Feb, 2006 LJS Newsletter

Mar/Apr, 2006 LJS Newsletter

May/Jun, 2006 LJS Newsletter

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