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On Sunday March 05, 2017
London Jazz Society presented
the Western University Jazz
Ensemble at the Shrine Hall

'The Western University Jazz Ensemble' and guests
the 'Thames Valley Honours Jazz Band'

On Sunday March 5, 2017 at 2 P.M., the London Jazz Society presented the best student jazz musicians from both Western University and Thames Valley High Schools from across the region. The Western Ensemble is a highly polished jazz orchestra under the direction of Dr. Kevin Watson, and they impressed the knowledgeable society audience with their extraordinary ability. The Thames Valley Honours Jazz Band is a collection of the best players chosen from high schools across the London area board, and they were equally amazing for musicians at that level. The London Jazz Society is very grateful to all the players, and directors, of these bands for their gracious visit to the Mocha Shrine Centre. Please enjoy the pictures we have posted below.

Photos of this event, by Gillian Barr

Western Jazz Ensemble

Western Jazz Ensemble directed by Dr. Kevin Watson

Western Jazz Soloist

Western Jazz Ensemble Soloist

Western Jazz Ensemble

Western Jazz Ensemble

Thames Valley Jazz Band

Thames Valley Honours Jazz Band

Thames Valley Trumpet Section

Thames Valley Honours Trumpet Section

Thames Valley Saxophone Section

Thames Valley Honours Saxophone Section

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